Exploring The Benefits Of Mesotherapy For Acne And Scarring
Article Written By Research Contributor, Medically Reviewed By Experts Of Serena Medical Center
What Is Mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy can be traced back to the 1950s. According to the National Library of Medicine, the Mesotherapy technique is a cosmetic procedure that has its advantages and disadvantages on your skin and body. It is performed on patients only after evaluating specific skin goals that they might have and is recommended after assessing their skin’s health and type. While skin rejuvenation is at the heart of Mesotherapy treatment, this article has been curated by skin doctors and experts of Serena Medical Center to explain in detail the several benefits that come along with Mesotherapy. Let’s understand how Mesotherapy and acne scarring are linked, how Mesotherapy works, who is ideal for Mesotherapy, the comparison of Mesotherapy versus other treatments, the procedure involved in Mesotherapy, and how long does it usually take for Mesotherapy to deliver the results that it promises.
At Serena Medical Center, the Mesotherapy treatment is performed under the supervision of our highly-experienced team that’s intensively trained and committed towards delivering a delightful experience for you with exceptional skin outcomes backed by the latest technology. In other words, we continually strive to bring out a revitalized version of your skin, exactly like the one you have been seeing all over your gram, the one you have dreamed about and the one that’s crafted by the magic of Mesotherapy.
“When it comes to modern skin and recent facial treatments like Mesotherapy, what’s extremely important is to choose the right provider. Although it’s a non-surgical procedure, only a skilled practitioner can provide you with the best-in-class treatment you are looking for, in turn ensuring fruitful and long-lasting results. Always check for your skin expert’s credentials beforehand, including their past success stories, in-clinic facilities, accreditations and certifications, safety measures undertaken in the office etc. Lack of patient education in their communication, no professional treatment processes, unhygienic treatment rooms, skipping detailed skin assessment before commencing Mesotherapy are all major red flags,” shares “Sharon Despi Macariola,Esthetician” Serena Medical Center, Dubai.
Benefits Of Mesotherapy
1) It’s a less invasive procedure
2) Treats specific skin conditions
3) Boosts collagen production
4) Has very little downtime
5) Directs nutrients straight into the skin
6) Supports skin’s tightness, texture & tone
7) Avoids skin sagging
8) Makes you look younger
9) Works even as a combination treatment
10) Keeps your skin healthy for longer
11) Addresses active acne
12) Heals the skin of its scars
13) Increases blood circulation
14) Tackles skin inflammation
15) Can be personalized according to unique patient needs
16) Reduces aging signs like wrinkles & fine lines
17) Improves your appearance
18) Promotes skin glow
19) Retains skin moisture
20) Enhances skin’s elasticity
Mesotherapy For Scars
We understand that acne and acne scars are a big nightmare for a lot of us.. You may have tried several options from common home remedies, a plethora of creams, free tips from the internet, to DIY skincare recommendations from friends, several products that promise you acne-free skin and more. We completely get your frustration as you read this blog further and nod in affirmation, thinking in your minds: ‘Been there, done that!’
Acne can directly interfere with your confidence and may actually be an indication of other underlying health issues that need your attention. One of the most important Mesotherapy face benefits includes acne scar reduction. Advanced Mesotherapy technique can help transform your skin, ridding it of the acne scars that have been bothering you by controlling its oil production. Who doesn’t crave for a radiant blemish-free skin? Mesotherapy treatment is an easy, simple process of sending medication, brightening chemicals, enzymes, plant-based products, hormones, antioxidants, peptides and nutrient substances into your skin for stimulating it to obtain a younger look, improving your overall tone, evenness, and fixing discoloration and pigmentation as a whole. At Serena Medical Center, a custom-made solution of essential ingredients is inserted with a fine needle after assessing your skin’s condition and health. The process is really quick and you are then expected to follow all the aftercare regimen as shared by our experts to keep your skin in a healthy state. Our patients have appreciated the Mesotherapy face results and have reported gradual improvements in their skin fixing their acne scars over time.
Scar reduction is one of the prima facie reasons as to why Mesotherapy is gaining stardom lately. The extent of your scars can play a huge role in determining the number of sessions of Mesotherapy that may be required.
Useful Links:
- For more information on Mesotherapy at Serena Medical Center: Click here
- For such insightful articles on skin care and dental care: Click here
- For additional reading on ‘Mesotherapy Treatment: Before And After Transformations Explained’: Click here
Disclaimer: This piece of content is no substitute for direct medical advice. The purpose and intent of this blog is to just impart knowledge, share general tips and spread awareness. It is in no way a replacement to any medical consultation provided by professionals. Serena Medical Center strictly recommends reaching out to qualified