
Serena Medical Center

Prosthodontist Specialist

Certain factors like poor oral hygiene, illness, genetics, and facial trauma can cause loss of your teeth. Don’t let the missing teeth affect the most precious moments of your life. Get Patients who need to restore the aesthetics of their teeth can accompany by prosthodontist dentistry. A prosthodontic solution in Dubai not only aims to replace your crooked or misplaced teeth, but it also helps in other matters. It resizes the overall teeth structure and grants you a perfect ever-lasting smile. At Serena MC, our accompanied team of prosthodontics dentists will take care of your every dental need restoring the functionality of your teeth to a natural state.

About Our Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics Treatments

We offer you a wide range of prosthodontic treatments including jaw problems, snoring disorders, sleep apnea, and some level of reconstruction required by any sort of treatment or surgery for oral cancer. Prosthodontics treatments include:

Serena Medical Center

Simple and Complex Restoration at Serena Medical Center

A prosthodontist’s rigorous training allows him/ her to offer a spectrum of different dental treatment to patients having a temporomandibular joint disorder, injuries, cleft palate, and maxillofacial prosthetics. Other special dental needs are also accompanied by prosthodontists. These dental specialists can provide you a long and healthy smile without any pain.

Serena Medical Center

Other General Dentistry Services

Root Canal dubai

Root Canal

root canal can help you keep the structure of your tooth with no need to extract it, helping you to keep your natural teeth.
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removable replacement teeth that are formed to replace missing teeth that have been lost due to tooth decay, tooth extraction

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning and dental hygiene is about keeping your teeth, mouth, and gums clean and healthy to avoid diseases.

Gum Treatment

gum disease is an infection of the gums surrounding your teeth. It is one of the major causes of tooth loss in adults
tooth extraction in dubai

Tooth Extraction

tooth extraction may be needed. Those reasons include: excessive tooth decay, tooth infection and teeth crowding.

Need Help?

Frequently Asked Questions

The prosthodontist cost depends on the treatment solution you appoint or doctor recommends for your oral health. Contact us for a complete cost chart.
Serena MC is providing remarkable dentistry services and has years of experience in the aesthetic department.
Upon your first visit, the dentist will examine your oral health and recommend possible treatment solution for the condition. Once both the parties decide on a solution, the treatment starts from the same day. Prosthodontic treatment often required multiple sessions, depending on the case. You can start using a toothbrush once the first milk tooth comes out. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste made especially for young children. Teething usually starts at about six months. You should also brush their tongue gently, to prevent building up of bacteria which causes infections. In addition, replace the toothbrush every two to three months.
Prosthodontic Specialist in Dubai and Cost-effective Dentistry Treatment solution
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